What is new in each version?  What bugs have been fixed and what new features have been added in each version?

This article contains links to both release and beta versions of Visere Captura Product Photography Software. We strongly recommend that most users stick to released versions (in green tables), as beta versions (in red tables) may include unfinished features and can be less stable. Beta versions are for those who want to help Pictomic test and refine new features before their official release.

We extend our gratitude to all beta testers and greatly appreciate the feedback we receive from them.

Visere Captura uses a versioning system structured as follows: Version <major>.<minor>.<changelist>. The major number indicates releases that introduce significant new features. The minor number differentiates a full release from a beta or non-released version; a minor number of 0 signifies a release, while any non-zero number indicates a beta version. The higher the non-zero minor number, the more mature the beta version. Typically, beta versions have a minor number of 1. The changelist is an incrementing number used by the development team to trace the released package back to the exact source code used for that build.

Beta Version 2.1

Version 2.1 is the beta version of what will become Release Version 3.0.  

New features are under development, UIs related to new features are likely to change and there may be more issues than in a released version.

Win Beta
Mac Beta
Beta Date
Beta Notes
  • Added a QString sorting function to the Captura SDK that correctly handles numeric values within strings for natural sorting.
  • 360Creator: Refactored the sorting code to improve readability, efficiency, and maintainability.

  • 360Creator: Enabled the “Sort by Date” option to ensure consistency between the main application and the 360Creator plugin.

  • Bug Fix: Fixed multiple bugs realted to macro-rail and focus stacking.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed crash caused by interaction between turntable selection and turntable control UI.
  • Updated focus stacking plugin initialization logic.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed custom angles display when using manual turntable.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed "New project" selection that allowed existing files to be selected as new projects.  It now only allows directories.
  • FocuStacking: Fixes a bug in the focus stacking window where the warning message was not positioned correctly.

  • FocusStacking: Changed the warning message text color from green to the application’s default text color for consistency.

  • 360Creator: Added support for WebP as an output file format.

  • 360Creator: Fixed an issue where the loading element was not removed after the image loaded. 

  • 360Creator: Fixed a bug where image fine tuning settings were not saved locally and failed to load correctly in the UI.

  • Updated the appearance and behavior of some radio buttons.
  • 360Creator: Updated user guide links.

  • 360Creator: Removed old-style radio buttons.

  • 360Creator: Added alpha blending to GIF output since GIFs with alpha channels are not supported.

  • 360Creator: Added support for WebP animations.

  • 360Creator: Small UI changes.

  • 360Creator: Modified WEBP animation frame encoding to respect the image quality setting from advanced options.

  • 360Creator: Refactored parts of the code to improve efficiency and maintainability.

  • 360Creator: Fixed an issue where certain files were not deleted when generating 360-degree images using the WEBP file format.

  • 360Creator: Fixed an issue where images with an alpha channel were not properly alpha blended before generating the MP4 file from the original images.

  • FileActionTools: Enhanced the "Resolution (DPI)" option in Batch Saving by adding two additional values: 600 DPI and 1200 DPI.

  • FileActionToolsBug Fix:  The saved image name was not correctly displayed in the UI when a profile was selected.

  • Bug-Fix: VSR-347: Resolved a crash during 360 GIF creation by updating gif.h and fixed an issue with saving the output directory and its location.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the current history filter was not displayed correctly in the UI.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where applying a filter to the second-to-last history image did not clear the last image from the history.
  • ImageEditingDMA: Updated the lasso functionality to permit points outside the image, provided they do not exceed twice the image size.

  • 360Creator: Updated 360 Creator to support the loading of legacy projects, ensuring backward compatibility.

  • 360Creator: Fixed multiple bugs related to logo rendering and display within 360 Creator.

  • 360Creator: Ensured the message dialog appears on top of the window for better visibility and user experience.

  • 360 Creator: Now apply alpha blending to images when exporting to MP4.
  • Bug Fix: Image Import: Resolved a bug that prevented video frames from being copied to the original directory during the video import process.

Release Version 2.0

Version 2.0 release notes are listed below.  These are in continuation to the Beta 1.1 release notes.  

Version 2.0 Release
Win Release
Mac Release
Release Date
Release Notes
  • 360 Creator: Apply alpha blending to images when exporting to MP4.
  • Bug fix merge: Resolved a bug that prevented video frames from being copied to the original directory during the video import process.
  • Updated the ‘Import Video’ UI to align with the consistent logic used across other tool windows.

  • Image Import: Updated the ‘Import Video’ UI to align with the consistent logic used across other tool windows.
  • Bug fix merge: Fixed a bug where the current history filter was not displayed correctly in the UI.
  • Bug fix merge: Fixed a bug where applying a filter to the second-to-last history image did not clear the last image from the history.
  • Merge: Updated the lasso functionality to permit points outside the image, provided they do not exceed twice the image size.

  • Merge: Updated 3rd party licenses.
  • Added PTPCamera symbols to release (to troubleshoot bug crashes in PTP)
  • 360 Creator: Removed the resize screen on launching the 360 creator. The resizing is now handled automatically based on the selected “Preview Size,” preserving the aspect ratio.

  • 360 Creator: Fixed an issue where margin lines unexpectedly appeared around the preview image in the 360 Creator interface.

  • 360 Creator: Updated 360 Creator MP4 logic to dynamically fit the image within maximum resolutions (1920x1080, 1080x1920, 1440x1440) instead of hard-coding the output resolution when limits are exceeded.

  • 360 Creator: Improved “Preview Size” section in 360 Creator for enhanced readability.

  • Canon SDK Bug Fix on Mac: Added latest Canon SDK to LIBS (13.18.40) to fix Mac OS 15.x compatibility issues.
    • Note: There is no information that the latest Canon SDK supports macOS 15.* on the official Canon website, but it seems to work based on internal testing.

Beta Version 1.1

Version 1.1 is the beta version of what will become Release Version 2.0.  

New features are under development, UIs related to new features are likely to change and there may be more issues than in a released version.

Win Beta
Mac Beta
Beta Date
Beta Notes
  • Canon Plugin: Added legacy image capture, for older Canon cameras.

  • 360Creator: Changed the text from "Installed themes" to "Installed themes preview:".

  • 360Creator: Adjusted alignment and spacing for improved layout.

  • 360Creator: Updated image container.

  • Bug Fix: Focus Stacking registration plugin (from the editing tools) didn't have the proper UI actions connected to the registration button.  Now clicking register will close the dialog when registration successful.
  • Bug Fix: 
    • Fixed a bug where the UI didn't update after clearing the Image History.
    • The original images was not correctly restored when the row history was cleared. 
  • Resolved Turntable Controller (TC) issues:
    • Resolved issue where the TC UI failed to appear.
    • Updated user interface for better appearance and with Pictomic icons and a more modern design.
    • Implemented various minor improvements and adjustments.
  • Bug Fix Android App: 
    • Resolved a crash issue on Android 14. 
    • Fixed an issue where the app launched in the wrong orientation when the device was in landscape mode
    • Corrected a bug causing warning messages to display incorrectly.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where adding another row that had a name matching an existing row would not increase row index properly, causing row confusion.
  • Bug patch: Fixed an issue where applying the lasso tool to images of different sizes, in batch mode, could cause a crash.  Full fix needs to be implemented in the DMA library.
  • Small UI fixed in the editing tools.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in Sony Plugin, related to focus stacking and drive lens crash that could occur under certain conditions.
  • Rolled back Canon Plugin to Version 13.18.10 due to Canon's suspension of the latest Canon SDK. (Cannon rolled it back due to a bug detected by them.  Also, Canon SDK does not yet work on Mac OS 15.x.  We're monitoring Canon's SDK updates and as soon as a fix will be available we will update.)
  • Bug Fix:  Resolved an issue causing infinite loops when cameras would temporarily disconnect from Visere Captura, and the software tried to reconnect to the camera.
  • Removed temporary PTP workaround the hardware infinite loop bug that was fixed earlier.
  • Updated Sony SDK to the latest version: V 1.13.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the live view failed to open if no images were present in the current row.
    • This impacted focus stacking on older cameras that require the live view to be on all the time when doing focus adjustments.
    • If using older camera, users must make sure that "Keep live view on after capture" is enabled.
    • See "How to" Focus Stack article.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where import images didn't work if the live view was on.

The Background Removal Pro (BR Pro) filter is now available for Mac and Windows.  Please re-install the filter if you had installed an earlier version of the BR Pro. This version works for Windows and Mac.

  • 360 Creator Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where the "Preview Size" did not retain the original image size after resizing.
    • Re-implemented resizing of the original image for preview.
    • Added automated MP4 video resizing if the image size exceeds maximum allowed resolution.
    • Fixed a bug where no preview was displayed when "Multiple Outputs" was selected.
  • Updated Visere Captura icons for the iOS beta version of the application.
  • Updated the Canon plugin to use the latest Canon SDK (13.18.30).
  • Updated Microsoft MVC Toolset to 143 to get BR Pro, Canon and Sony to run on Windows.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a focus stacking crash from a crash report. 
  • A few minor UI updates to fix minor issues.
  • Updated installer icon.
  • Fixed small UI scaling issues on Windows.

To use Background Removal Pro, please re-install the latest version, if you've already installed an earlier version of the filter.  This version updates the Background Removal Pro filter.

  • Updated new filter parameters.  General-Standard is now what used to be General-Precise and we added a new General-Precise filter that takes longer to process but is more efficient in removing the backgrounds. General-Fast is what used to be General-Standard and we dropped the old General-Fast, since we want to stay with at most 3 models to minimize overcrowding.
  • Added support for iOS application.  Once released, this version with support a Visere Captura mobile phone app on Apple devices, rather than having to use the old Shutter Stream mobile app.
  • Updated the Sony plugin to use the latest SDK: CrSDK V 1.12.  See:
  • Updated support for the latest Nikon SDK and support for Nikon Z8 for both Mac and Windows.  Nikon SDK Date: 2024-05-15.
  • Multi-Camera artifact: On Windows the software tries to use multiple cameras from different manufacturers.  On Mac this is not possible, due to SDK conflicts on certain camera manufacturers.  On Mac users should be able to use multiple cameras made by the same manufacturer.

Due to "work in progress" Visere Captura 1.1 will only run the Mac version of the Background Removal Pro filter.  You cannot test the Windows Version 1.1 – impacts previous versions of Windows 1.1, too.

  • Added a new, and larger, background removal model that does a better job removing backgrounds.
  • Requires re-installation of Background Removal Pro filter.
  • Lower the number of threads in BR-Pro by one, in order to allow other processes more resources.
  • Bug Fix: fixed preview size for output window size not being scroll-able 
  • Fixed UI so that license requests now show only one version of Visere Captura.  We simplified the logic.  We now have only one version of the software, with all features enabled, to minimize customer confusion and sales friction.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with BR-Pro where the filter was not outputting the correct results consistently.
  • Updated Release Notes link.
  • Small UI updates.
  • Release a new video showing the new BR-Pro in action.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dN5jSZwZjpY?si=gIOd6N6K2lQOkWaa" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • Added first Windows version of the Beta with Background Removal Pro.
  • Background Removal Pro (BR-Pro) is part of the Pro version.  Pro features require an active license to run.
  • Removed Qt dependency from BR-Pro plugin.
  • Minor UI changes and fixes in BR-Pro.
  • Bug Fix: fixed but where background removal filters could not be tested in demo version.
  • Updated Visere Captura icons with a higher fidelity version.
No windows release1.1.36106-mac.dmg.tgz2024-08-29
  • Only Mac version in the initial release.
  • Be aware that this is a first beta release.
  • Introduced the new Background Removal Pro (BR-Pro) filter.  Video on how to install and test the filter is shown in the following YouTube video:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/2RsotSgdgv8?si=U7Pu8rURMWhI0Dpb" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  • To evaluate the beta version you will need to have an active license or you can test it for 10 days using a clean install – installing on a machine where Visere Captura has not been installed before.

Release Version 1.0

Here are the release notes for Visere Captura version 1.0, together with links to the downloadable executables:

Version 1.0 Release
Win Release
Mac Release
Release Date
Release Notes

All bugs in this release are related to the 360 Creator plugin:

  • Fixed default window geometry for the 360 Creator plugin.
  • Fixed multi-threaded handling in the 360 Creator if trying to restart the 360 Creator while the plugin was still processing an output project.
  • Fixed multiple crashes in 360 Creator.

  • Set the default output format to JPEG, rather than PNG, to create smaller outputs.

  • Enabled 360 Creator to load TIFF files from the input directory, rather than copying them first.  This minimizes disk space usage.

  • Fixed 360 Creator project crash when saving and reloading a 360 Creator project.
  • Added a user input dialog for saving 360 Creator projects:

    • Prompt to rewrite the current project directory if it exists.

    • Force the user to select a different directory if the current one is not empty and is not a 360 Creator project.

  • Modified 360 Creator to no longer create an additional directory when a project is saved. Instead, it renames the selected directory, if it is empty, with the extension ".ivcp."  The extension is used to determine if the directory is a 360 Creator project.

  • Removed "Reverse" and "REGEX" options from 360 Creator in order to simplify confusing logic and eliminate logic bugs – of a previously poor implementation.

  • Disabled keyboard input for the duration spin box value, to minimize user error, and frustration.

  • Added setEntry() flag, to accurately determine if the directory is empty on Windows.  Avoids overwriting an existing directory when saving a 360 Creator project.
  • Set default image quality to 70% in order to create smaller, but still good quality, outputs.
  • Removed the OK button from the 360 Creator.  Eliminates user confusion since OK and Export had the same functionality.
  • Bug Fix: TIFF images were being copied to the project directory, creating large than needed outputs.

  • Bug Fix: multiple images were copied to output directory, which caused larger than needed 360 outputs.

  • Bug Fix: resolved an issue where the preview was not displayed when the “multiple outputs” option was selected in the 360 Creator.

  • Disabled MP4 export in 360 Creator if the output resolution exceeds 1920x1080.  We only support up to HD resolution via the operating system API – at this time.

  • Bug Fix: resolved an issue where hotspots were not shown when the input files were a different format from the output format.

  • Implemented various UI improvements in the 360 Creator.
  • Bug Fix: fixed hotspot resizing and positioning issues when the container window is resized.

  • Bug Fix: horizontal drag speed wasn't saved properly.
  • Bug Fix: fixed the issue where the "Hotspots Editor" in 360 Creator was using an incorrect number of images in the hotspots editor.  This caused confusion, and sometimes errors, when placing hotspots.

  • Bug Fix: resolved a bug in 360 Creator hotspots editor where shortcuts were not functioning correctly.

  • Updated several shortcut mappings to improve usability and consistency.

  • Bug Fix: addressed an issue where images were incorrectly being copied to the temporary directory when leaving the “Advanced Settings” section in 360 Creator.

  • Bug Fix: fixed issue where the 360 Creator Hotspots Editor displayed incorrect hotspot sizes.

  • Bug Fix: fixed issue where the 360 Hotspot Editor did not save hotspot properties correctly.

  • Bug Fix: fixed issue where 360 Creator failed to set input images correctly for the Hotspot Editor when the output type was changed.

  • Bug Fix: fixed multiple UI bugs in 360 Creator.

  • Limited the hotspot size unit of measurement to ‘px’ only, to improve user experience.

  • Bug Fix: fixed a bug where hotspots where not resized properly.

  • Added original files back in "Preview" (this will increase the reload time).

  • Bug Fix: fixed hotspot checkbox position, where user had to click twice to grab the hotspot.

  • Bug Fix: fixed an issue in 360 Creator where hotspots did not respond correctly when the mouse button was held down while moving the hotspot across the image.

  • Removed the “Auto” option for the image output format in 360 Creator to resolve logic inconsistencies.

  • Added automatic preview reload when the “Include original images” option is checked or unchecked.

  • Delete the "imglarge" directory from the output directory if it exists and deep zoom is disabled.  This generates smaller 360 outputs if deep zoom is not needed.

  • Bug Fix: fixed a discrepancy in hotspot sizes between index.html and iframe.html.

  • Disabled the "Project" button while the Advanced Settings tab is open.

  • Bug Fix: fixed a bug in the 360 Creator hotspot editor where the canvas size was not correctly validated.

  • Fixed PTP Support on Mac
  • Changed dialog buttons "Apply" to "OK" to be behavior consistent.
  • Renamed Watermark Filter property from "Transparency" to "Opaqueness" to properly highlight the function of the scroll bar on the watermark.
  • Added the shortcut Enter (or Return) to pressing "OK."
  • Limited the "Add border" filter to a maximum of 2000 pixels to avoid out of memory issues if this number is very large.  More than 200 pixels can be added by hitting the Apply button multiple times.
  • Fixed a display bug where in Windows the tool dialogs do not appear on a second monitor. 
    • There is still an issue, caused by the Qt libraries we are using, where users can only use up to 125% DPI scaling. 
  • Fixed scrolling in dialog boxes.  Some dialog boxes had no scrolling. Now, all dialogs have scrolling.
  • Improved support for memorizing dialog sizes and locations.
  • Fixed dialog title name inconsistencies. 
  • Added default window sizes to match all dialog boxes, rather than one default for all dialogs.  Looks better when users first start the program.
  • Fixed scrolling issues when Dynamic Save contains multiple Batch Saves.
  • Added missing titles for all dialog boxes.
  • Fixed a UI turntables bug where the UI was shifting left under certain conditions
  • Updated help links to Pictomic's Confluence and Servicedesk pages.
  • Fixed a bug where alpha blending with a background image swapped image channels (RGB to BGR) when images were batch or dynamic saved.
  • Increased the size of the AIBR text input boxes
  • Updated 360 View Creator welcome banner
  • Alpha mating is the default in AIBR
  • Fixed issue with emailing of crash reports
  • Added support for Android cameras
  • Increased the number of grid lines for live view to 20x20
    • Fixed display spacing of the grid lines.
  • Added error messages for drive lens in Nikon cameras
  • Updated Nikon SDKs to version available on May 2024
    • Mac SDK updates
    • Windows SDK updates
  • Changed colors for better UI visuals
  • Fixed AIBR installation link.  Now it will install on first use.
    • Requires license file be installed first, or
    • See Install AIBR to install AIBR without a license file.
  • Updated Canon SDKs to version 13.17.12, available on April 2024.
  • Added support for unlimited undo and redo
  • Added support for "Alpha blending display" in "Settings" to show
    alpha blending results of transparent images.

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